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Q: Are You Sure You Want To Do this?

A: YES!! And we couldn't be more excited!!


Q: Are You Sure You Can't Get Pregnant?

A:  No.  We got pregnant once, but that took 4 years.  After the miscarriage, Lauren was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  PCOS makes your hormones go crazy and makes it extremely hard to get and stay pregnant. 


Q: My friend has PCOS and going off gluten helped, have you tried that?

A: Yes!!  :)


Q: Why adoption vs exploring infertility treatments?

A: The short answer is that there are kids that desperately need a family, love and a home, why not bring them into ours?


Q: Why not adopt AND do infertility treatments?

A: Both are very, very expensive and we have chosen adoption!


Q: What If You Get Pregnant?

A: If we get pregnant during this process the agency we are contracting with allows you to pause the adoption process.  After you have your baby you can pick up where you left off. 


Q: Why adoption vs foster care?

A: You are not allowed to adopt while you are fostering so we figured we would start with adoption.  Once we have adopted one child we plan to open our home for foster care. 


Q: Where Are You Adopting From?

A: We are adopting from the US!  We are going to only present our profile in low risk adoption states.  Low risk adoption states are states where the birth parents have 72 hours or less to change their mind and decide to parent the baby.


Q: Is Maryland a low risk adoption state?

A: No.  Maryland is a very high risk adoption state.  Birth parents in Maryland have 30 days to change their minds about the adoption.


Q: Are you hoping for a closed or open adoption?

A: We are hoping for an open adoption but would be ok with either. 


Have more questions?  Head up to the top of this page and drop us a line.  We would love to chat!

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